Complaint Resolution

It is important that you feel comfortable with your midwife. That's why we do everything we can to make sure you and your baby are well supported.

It is nice when the contact with the midwife is competent and pleasant. Unfortunately, this is not always obvious. It may happen that you are not satisfied with the care and treatment provided and have a complaint.

Step 1: Discuss the complaint with the midwife.

Do you have questions, doubts or are unhappy about something? Tell the midwife or the person you are dealing with directly. It is important that you first talk to the person to whom the complaint relates. After all, she is eager to learn from you and usually appreciates hearing it when a client is not satisfied. A good conversation can often clarify a lot and remove dissatisfaction! She can explain more about the way you acted and possibly apologize.

Step 2: engage a complaints officer

Are you unable to work things out together? Or would you like help filing a complaint? Then contact the complaints officer of the CBKZ (Central Office for Complaint Management in Health Care). She is impartial, works independently and will be happy to help you with support and advice. The complaints officer also mediates in finding a solution. Everything you tell the complaints officer is confidential.

The complaints officer can be reached by phone Monday through Friday at 088-024 51 23. You can also send an email to