Breech position

Breech position

When your baby is breech, the head is at the top of your belly. For most of the pregnancy this is not a problem, but around week 35 the baby should start turning with the head down. Not all babies do this on their own. 3-4% of babies remain in the breech position. 

Babies can still turn to head position on their own until the end of the pregnancy, although this chance decreases as the pregnancy progresses. What you can do to increase the chance of the baby turning is through acupuncture or yoga exercises. If the baby is still breech at 35 weeks, the midwife will inform you about the possibility of an external version. With this technique, an attempt is made to turn the baby to head position by the gynecologist.

Giving birth to a baby in the breech presentation involves a little more risk. For this reason, the midwife may not supervise the birth, but the gynecologist will do it in the hospital. With breech births, you will be given the choice, after being informed by the gynecologist, whether you want to give birth vaginally or via cesarean section.